I'm thinking about organising a "fly-hike camp" in Molesworth in the week following the PG Nationals in Wanaka (so from about 9 Feb). A permit would need to be applied for (see email from DOC below) and campsites booked. So, at this stage, just a preliminary expression of interest is required. Given that this will be a "new" activity for them to consider approving it would be a good idea to apply for a permit by mid-December at the latest - what would be needed by then is vehicle registration numbers and numbers of people.
Any preferences as to which campsite(s) we should base ourselves at?
Map of Molesworth: http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-visit/marlborough/south-marlborough/molesworth-station/plan-and-prepare/map-of-molesworth-station/
Please comment / respond in my post on https://www.facebook.com/groups/flyhikenz/
Thanks for your email about paragliding in Molesworth. As you are a recreational group, you would not need to have a commercial-type permit. Recreational users of Molesworth may require a permit depending on what area of the Station they wish to use, at what time of year. Have a look at this page http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-visit/marlborough/south-marlborough/molesworth-station/activities/molesworth-activity-permits/ and at the link on that page to the Molesworth map, for your planning. When you know when and where you wish to go, you can contact me directly or fill in the online form (access from the above link). Allow a couple of weeks for the application to be processed. I imagine that there is an element of unpredictability about where you would be landing and taking off, depending on weather conditions, and so the permit application form may not be able to capture all that information. It may be easiest to give me a call when you have a plan and we can talk through the details. All permit applications are run by the leaseholder (Station manager) to check that there is no conflict with farming operations.
Sounds like a lot of fun!
Kind regards,
Clare Moore
Partnerships Ranger — Kaitiaki Manutataki
Department of Conservation—Te Papa Atawhai
DDI +64 3 572 9741
Wairau Renwick Office
PO Box 51, Renwick 7243
Gee Street, Renwick 7204
T +64 3 572 9100
A permit has been obtained from DOC. Paramotoring is also allowed (with certain conditions). I need a list of people and their car registration details. Please email me at skf@paradise.net.nz and I will send you the link to the registration from!